Christmas eBook Super Sale

Dear Readers,

There have been quite decent offers from Lulu recently but in most of the cases, or as far as I remember actually always, eBooks were execluded from these 20, 30, and even 40% off vouchers. To repond to this “unfairness,” I just started, about ten days before Christmas, a Christmas eBook Super Sale where ALL of my eBooks are reduced by 50%! So all my eBook readers who came away empty-handed so far, you can get now basically everything I have published so far for relative little money! This offer will be valid until somewhere between Christmas and New Year, so you have enough time to decide what you want. So fill up all your tablets (or PC´s) with all the important Nihonto and Tosogu reference material you need four your studies!

If you have any questions or can´t find the one or other book, don´t hesitate and contact me via my gmail address stated in the imprint.

Thank you all! (There should be another article published soon, so no Xmas and Holiday wishes for the time being;)


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